On September 6, Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, shared a significant milestone: Telegram’s paid user base has reached 10 million subscribers. This achievement is a reflection of the platform’s growing popularity and continued efforts to innovate and address user needs. As Telegram evolves, it’s also making changes to ensure a safer and more useful environment for its users. Among these changes, Durov announced the removal of the “People Nearby” feature and the introduction of a new feature called “Nearby Businesses.”
Why “People Nearby” Was Removed
The “People Nearby” feature allowed users to connect with others in their geographic area. However, Durov explained that less than 0.1% of Telegram’s user base actually used this function. In addition to low usage, the feature became a breeding ground for bots and scammers, posing risks to the platform’s reputation. For a platform that values privacy and security, this misuse was not aligned with Telegram’s mission.
By removing the “People Nearby” feature, Telegram is addressing concerns about user safety and privacy. This change also opens the door for a more practical and safer alternative, which brings us to the new “Nearby Businesses” feature.
Introducing “Nearby Businesses”
In place of “People Nearby,” Telegram is rolling out “Nearby Businesses,” a feature aimed at supporting legitimate, verified businesses. Unlike its predecessor, “Nearby Businesses” is designed to help users find and interact with local companies in a more secure and reliable manner.
Durov highlighted that businesses will be able to seamlessly showcase their product catalogs directly within Telegram. This feature not only allows for product browsing but also integrates a payment system, making it easier for users to shop locally and support trusted enterprises. By focusing on legitimate businesses, Telegram hopes to foster a more professional and trustworthy environment, which will also enhance the overall user experience.
Tackling Abuse on Telegram
While Telegram has a massive user base nearing one billion, Durov emphasized that only a tiny fraction of users – about 0.001% – are involved in illegal activities. These bad actors, though small in number, have cast a shadow on Telegram’s reputation, sometimes drawing negative attention to the platform. This is something the company is actively working to address.
As part of its ongoing efforts to combat misuse, Telegram has also restricted the ability to upload new media to Telegraph, an independent blogging tool linked to the platform. Telegraph has been a useful tool for content creators, but unfortunately, it has also been exploited by anonymous users for illegal purposes. By limiting this functionality, Telegram is taking a firm stand against activities that could endanger the platform’s integrity.
Balancing Security and User Experience
Telegram’s commitment to providing a secure platform while maintaining its core values of freedom and privacy is evident in these recent updates. Durov reassured users that while these changes may affect a very small portion of the Telegram community, they are necessary to protect the platform’s broader user base. The vast majority of Telegram users – 99.999%, as Durov pointed out – use the platform lawfully and contribute positively to its community.
In a digital landscape where privacy concerns are at the forefront, Telegram is taking the right steps to ensure that its users continue to feel secure. By removing features prone to abuse and introducing tools that support legitimate businesses, Telegram is reinforcing its commitment to safety, while also providing more useful services to its users.
What’s Next for Telegram?
With 10 million paid users and nearly a billion total users, Telegram continues to grow rapidly. The addition of “Nearby Businesses” is just one of the many features that could further enhance its appeal, particularly to business owners who can now reach customers more easily through the platform.
The removal of features like “People Nearby” and the restrictions placed on Telegraph signal that Telegram is willing to make difficult decisions for the sake of user safety. These changes, though seemingly minor, reflect Telegram’s broader goal of maintaining a balance between user freedom and platform security.
As Telegram continues to innovate, we can expect more features that prioritize both the user experience and the safety of the platform. Telegram’s paid user milestone is proof that the platform is succeeding in building a community that values privacy, security, and convenience, all while remaining free from the pressures of traditional social media platforms.
In conclusion, Telegram is evolving not only as a messaging platform but as a tool for businesses and creators alike. With the introduction of “Nearby Businesses” and ongoing efforts to curb misuse, Telegram is positioning itself as a leader in both privacy-conscious communication and digital commerce.